Rhineland-Palatinate - Eifel/Ahr area - Ahrweiler district -                                     Zurück

Hans (Jean) Arp, Bewegtes Tanzgeschmeide,
1960/70 (1)

Johannes Brus,
2 Pferde und ein Boot,
2008 (2)

Peter Hutchinson, Thrown Ropes,
2009 (3)



"Sculpturebank in Remagen"

Set-up of 13 works at the Rhine river's
bank between the Ahr embouchure and Rolandswerth.

Link: www.arpmuseum.org

ARP MUSEUM Betriebsgesellschaft mbH
Hans-Arp-Allee 1, 53424 Remagen
Tel: + 49 (0) 2228/94250
E-Mail: info@arpmuseum.org

Leaflets available to each art-piece

Source: with friendly permission,
Arp Museum Bahnhof Rolandseck

Photo 1: Warburg, Wikimedia Commons
Creative Commons
Photo 2: Hans Weingartz, Wikimedia Commons
License: Creative Commons
Photo 3: Warburg, Wikimedia Commons
Creative Commons

State: 06/2015

To reach Remagen take the B 9, Koblenz towards Bonn, or the A 61, (Koblenz towards Bonn), then B 266 and B 9.

   For disabled:                            Zurück
A way along the Rhine, always even and with a fixed surface. The sculptures are separately accessible by bike or wheelchair.