Switzerland - Neuenburg/Jura area - Canton Jura -                                   Zurück


Georgui Tchapkonov, Le Taureau, 1995

left: Reiner Seliger, La Tour, 1995
right: Helga Denoth, o.T., 2003


Boécourt-Séprais near Delémont

Sculpture Path "
La Balade de Séprais"

Sculptures by 35 international artists

Since 1993 - permanent and free admission

Present sculptors and works:

Link: www.balade-seprais.ch

Information and source:
La Balade de Séprais
Case postale 2135, CH-2800 Delémont

E-Mail: info@balade-seprais.ch

Photos: tb and René Lovy

State: 10/2005

Directions: (see map) Séprais, near Delémont is situated about 50 km southwest of Basel towards Biel and Solothurn. Take the B 18.

   For disabled:                   Zurück
The sculptures are set up at metalled or gravelled footpaths around the village, easily accessible to wheelchairs.